On Nov. 8, 2022, I was elected to the Goshen School Board as the District 1 board member. Thank you to those who supported me and assisted with the effort to bring back accountability to the board for the betterment of the education being offered to the children of the Goshen Community.
Campaign Finance
5 months from the occurrence, the campaign finance case has slowly been moving forward with plenty of missteps along the way. I will continue to press for accountability and justice in this case. See updates in the Goshen News:
First 3 Months on the Board
I was sworn in on January 9, 2023. It has been a steep learning curve and I have made some missteps along the way leading me to regret some votes. Hindsight is 2020. As part of my growth in this position, I am doing my best to understand our board policies and state law better as well as the unique dynamics I find myself in. It is also my intent to listen and learn from the public. An example of learning from the public: I realized I was being fed bad information about the Chandler School closing by complaints I received from members of the public. This had a practical effect of forcing a public vote. That was not entirely the result I and many community members wanted to see, but it was better than the original plan to have no public comment, and no vote. Things are starting to happen and I am doing my best to make a difference for the better on our school board. I will be sharing more updates in short order. Stay tuned.